Hello everyone. I have been super busy doing photo shoots and working a new job so I have been soooo busy!! I have been working with the great Jessica McIntosh doing make up for her fantastic photos. She is an amazing photographer and sweet friend so I have been so happy having the opportunity to work with her. I did the photo shoot with her for the talented Kyrsten Roseman and then we just worked together to do a photo shoot showing my style and make up. We are doing 2 separate photo shoots and the second photo shoot is coming up! I am so excited!! So, I have been kinda busy but I wanted to write and talk about one of my favorite skin care treatments that I forgot about!!
I have been to the beach 2 times this month, I don't know how I got so lucky! But, anywho going to the beach dries out my hair so bad but it also makes my skin go crazy!! I think it's a mixture of the ocean salty water drying out my skin with the combo of sun screen clogging my pores, with a mixture of sweat and sand adding to the pore clogging. But when I get home from the beach my skin is messed up! Every time I get back from the beach, or if I'm ever having a breakout, I will use Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque. It's green, it's tingly, and it dries on your skin pulling up any dirt and debris that does not need to be there! I love it! I think it's amazing and anyone dealing with a breakout or needed to do a good deep-clean, get this mask! I buy mine at Sally's Beauty Supply for about $3.50!
If deep-cleaning is not what you need and you need to focus on moisture go for the Queen Helene Apricot Moisturizing Masque! I love this one too! I use both the Mint Julep Masque and the Apricot Moisturizing Masque. Usually I need to focus on hydration and that's where the Apricot Masque comes into play and every once in a while I will have breakouts or you just need that good deep-clean feel and that's when I use the Mint Julep Masque! They're both fantastic and you can find both at Sally's Beauty Supply for around $3.50 each or at www.queenhelene.com Check them out and get your skin back in shape after the summer heat!