This blog is going to be some hard hitting stuff!! Just kidding! It's just about beauty!
I kind of enjoy that I am writing about vain, frivolous things rather than getting caught up in opinions about the election. It's made my life a lot less stressful and There is no conflict, which I like!
Now this blog that I write is silly and it's about beauty, and makeup, and silly little things that aren't that important in the long run but I will also be talking about your Health too. I believe your health and diet habits go hand-in-hand with beauty so every once in a while I'm going to write about some health plans I'm doing.
People want to improve their looks. People want to lose weight. I don't care if you're ripped or if you look like a super model, people are ALWAYS wanting to improve their looks. And normal people like me, I am definitely wanting to prove my health, body, looks, everything!
I am a firm believer that you ned to be happy with yourself and that's the most beautiful thing. But I also believe that if you take care of yourself, you will be happy with yourself. So that's where I'm always wanting to improve. I like to try to eat well, take my supplements, juice, do whatever to help improve my health!

I juice and it truly makes me feel better! When I eat better and watch my diet, I actually do feel better and feel prettier rather than eating whatever the heck I want. Trust me, I love Little Debbie cakes, fried chicken and Cokes but I just cannot eat that stuff without gaining 10 pounds right in my lower stomach! I'm not kidding!! I look at that food and I gain weight! I am kind of a foodie. I love trying new restaurants, I love making new recipes, I just love eating! So I do find a hard balance between enjoying life and eating whatever I want and also really taking care of myself and eating healthy. I feel like it's going to be a constant balance for the rest of my life but I'm ok with that. It's all about moderation and getting back to that healthy lifestyle after you do eat something you're not supposed to.

In 2007 the Journal of the American Dietetic Association did a study on weight loss and found that 15% of all adults (20% of women and 10% of all men) have used non-prescription weight loss supplements. The weight loss industry is over a 30 billion dollar a year industry!!! That's 30 BILLION!!! That is crazy!!

Now I'm going to say this, I have never, and I mean never, met a person who has successfully lost weight from diet pills and kept it off for over 2 years. Now if you have, then that's just awesome but I personally haven't. Trust me, I've been there and tried that. I did it all to lose weight and guess what was the most successful thing I did to lose weight?
Watching what I eat and exercise.
Crazy right? I know. I was so tired of eating what I wanted and feeling guilty and still not being happy with myself. I was tired of eating bad foods and not working out and still wondering why I kept gaining weight. I was tired of trying different diets for a few weeks an trying medicines that made me feel like my heart was about to pound out of my chest. So when my friend Kristi posted on Facebook if some of her friends wanted to join a fitness group to hold each other accountable for workouts and encourage one another on a weight loss journey I was in!

We started late January and I was ready but I truly wasn't. I wasn't willing to workout religiously and eat right. I would do one or the other but the truth is I just have to eat right AND workout! It's just the way it is! I was delayed s few months because I mentally wasn't ready to really make that commitment. After a few months of me losing a few pounds and gaining it back I realized I was the one thing getting in the way. Me, myself. I wanted to lose weight and be happy with myself and no one or nothing was in the way but myself. Our weight loss group has rocked!!! It started at 8 girls and has dwindled down to 3, one including our "coach/leader" Kristi. But we still continually encourage and hold each other accountable and it's been SO successful. I have personally lost 15 pounds but we all still have a ways to go. And we are constantly keeping each other encouraged.

What I've learned doing this group is yes, it's that simple. To lose weight it's diet and exercise. It's a lifestyle change. You're going to go to McDonalds at some point, it's going to happen. But what the biggest challenge is that you have to get back on track. You don't eat a bad meal and then say, "well, there goes my diet!" You say ok, that was yummy and now I feel like crap so it's time to get back on the healthy track."
This blog turned out longer than I expected sorry guys!! But my point is, take care of yourself and love yourself and if you don't love yourself and you're not happy then DO SOMETHING!! And the best way to do something is to eat right and workout. You NEVER regret eating well and working out!

I love Kimberly Snyder. She's a nutritionist and she gives all these amazing tips and tricks and I will share them with you on this blog from time to time. I won't go any longer on here, I'll just share two things I've added to my daily routine lately that I'm loving!
My A.M. and P.M. Drink routine
Apple Cider Vinegar

It's gross but it is so good for you!! I used to take one tablespoon of it in the
morning and chase it with some OJ, which still works great. But now I'm doing 1 cup of water, with 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, 3 dashes of cayenne pepper and a squeeze of half a lemon (some people do a whole, but I save the half for my night time drink I will share next!) I drink that in the morning and it wakes me up, refreshes me and it adds a glass of water to my daily 8 glasses I try to drink a day. So try it, you'll like it...kinda. To be honest it's rough, you have to get used to it but for me, the health benefits out-weigh the taste so I just drink it!
Lemon & cayenne pepper

At night I mix one cup of hot water (there's another cup to add to the daily 8 cups!) with the other half of my lemon from the morning, with 3 dashes of cinnamon and 3 dashes of cayenne pepper. It's warm, it's yummy (this one really is) and it's good for you!
Health benefits of both drinks-

Apple cider vinegar helps:
Balance the body's inner ecosystem
Helps with weight loss
Detoxes the body
Helps with allergies
Helps with sinuses, headaches, flu, sore throat
Helps clear acne, contact dermatitis, warts, varicose veins and other skin issues
Helps lower high blood pressure and high cholesterol
Kills candida and fungus and helps fill the gut with healthy mircoflora
Eases arthritis, gout, and stiff joints
And strengthens stomach acids
-much, much more too! Sold on it yet?

Is a natural fat burner
Anti-bacterial, anti-viral and immune boosting
Digestive aid
Cleanses the liver and rejuvenates it's tissue (which is our main fat-burning organ)
Contain citric acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, bioflavonoids, pectin, and limonene--this helps fight infection and builds up immunity
Helps control appetite
Helps support skin collagen, to keep you looking young!

Helps curb your sugar cravings
Helps control blood sugar levels
Helps offshoot fat levels

Cayenne pepper:
Helps keep blood pressure levels normal
Rids body of the LDL cholesterol and triglycerides
Great to fight against tooth and gum disease
Boosts metabolism
Burns fat
Helps curb appetite
Has anti-bacterial properties
Helps with joints
Circulatory stimulant
Helps increase pulse in our lymphatic and digestive rhythms
Prevents and treats blood clots
Helps produce saliva which is key in digestion and oral health
Relieves headache
anti-fungal properties
Anti-cold and flu agent
Anti-irritant properties
So are you sold on it yet?? How could you not want to start and end your day with these amazing health benefits! Go grab yourself a mug!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Lorna Dr,Nashville,United States