So I wrote this blog on New Year's Eve 2013. I never posted it because I wanted to tweak a few things but, I just let it sit in blogging purgatory until now. So humor me, remember this is from 4 months ago but it's still pretty good stuff...well I think so, but I also wrote it. Check it out!
Ok, ok. I know this time of year we all go through the same shenanigans. We end each year completely stuffed with holiday treats and fast food eats because we have been so busy! We binge and we push our bodies to the limit in usually the worst way and then we see the new year as a new beginning.
I am so thankful for that! I love a nice, fresh start. And now is the time to do it! This past year has probably been one of the craziest years I have ever had! I'm officially 10 years past my high school graduation. I thought I would have my stuff together by now but I feel like I'm just getting started. Honestly, I feel like if we do it right, we are always changing, We are always learning and we are always wanting to be a better version of what we are. I don't feel like I have wasted any of my moments or years, I just feel like this has all paved the way to where I want to be. This time last year I had a completely different idea of what I wanted but I wasn't truly happy. My plan was something of a superficial, safe, sounded-good plan. It looked nice & shiny on the outside but deep down, it wasn't me and it truly wasn't what I wanted. But-it was a nice, safe idea. It was easy. If I wanted to really take the time (which I had no time to even think about this at that time) then I would have really dug deep and realized I was basically going the exact opposite direction of my true happiness.
This year I did A LOT! I had a job that paid well, had good benefits and had a nice shiny name to it with lots of promise, but-I truly wasn't happy. When I was younger this is what I thought I wanted. For a long time this is what I thought I wanted. Even while doing aesthetics I always wondered about more of the high-end, fashion side of beauty. But once I was neck-high in the nice, fancy things, I realized, "whoa! I don't want this! I don't want this at all!" I was thrown in to the fashion & business world and realized "nope! I'm good!" Not only did I "think" I wanted to be in the middle of this fashion world but I also thought I wanted to really succeed and be a business woman. It felt good to do well and succeed. It can almost be addicting and I'll admit, you can almost convince yourself that certain things you sacrifice are worth it, and if you truly love it-those sacrifices are worth it, but this was not my path. I realized I was giving up my free time, my family time and time with my husband and friends and it was just not worth it. I spent so much time towards it and I love beauty and fashion but it's not important to me anymore. We change and our interests and passions change, and mine had. I have been really committed to working out and eating right for about the past two years. It's been gradual but this last year , starting about March, I really jumped in head-first into health & wellness. As time went on and I got more & more involved in working out and eating right I realized to me, what's more important now is feeling beautiful. I'm over the "you have to buy this to look beautiful." I'm more attracted to the "this is what makes you feel beautiful!"
My priorities changed completely. I was tired of missing out on family time and seeing my husband and friends and have me time! The more I thought about it and the more I looked into it, I knew this was not the path I wanted to go. I took a huge leap and a big risk and quit my job. I am doing makeup on my own, freelancing for lines I love and believe in, and working at a store that completely supports me and helps me follow my dreams and goals. This company actually gets you to write out 10 year goals. It's pretty amazing! I have found that really setting your goals that far in advanced help you make big crazy goals and it actually helps you see what you really want and it helps narrow down your goals in 10, 5, and 1 year goals.
I'm going to share a few pointers I learned while setting my goals. One I liked was put your goals in present tense. When you talk about living in your beach home in Florida, describe it. Don't say, "I will have a beach house someday." Say, "I wake up in my beach house on a beautiful sunny day." Make big, scary goals! If they don't scare you, they're not big enough! One of the things that helped me realize what I really wanted to do was asking that question of "if you won $100,000,000 what would you do?" I knew I always wanted to work even if it was part time. Even if I won the lottery (I'm trying to keep myself grounded here) I thought I would love to work where I work now. Hence why I followed what I wanted and went for it! I knew I wanted to have more time to work out, take hikes, I would want a big farm house with tons of land and garden and really be able to plant and eat a lot my own foods. I wanted to cook more and learn how to can items from my garden. Maybe eventually be a fitness instructor. If I won the lottery I would definitely go to India and get my yoga instructors license as well!
I look at these goals and think these are possible! Lottery winnings or not, I can do this! Why not do it! I mean we have one life to live and if this is what I want, go for it! I feel like writing out your goals make them seem more realistic and it helps you really lay them out and break them down more to be more attainable. I also think sharing your goals helps because you can hold yourself accountable of your goals and so can others who know them. We need to support one another, cheer them on when they are on their way to achieving their goals!
I've been thinking about some resolutions, I'm still working on them. But I'm starting to write them down and keep a physical list of my goals, I will constantly check back at them and reassess them and keep working on my goals and being the best version of me.
I definitely want to do yoga at least 3 times a week. I want to meditate daily, even if it's only 5-10 minutes. I want to sweat at least 20 minutes a day. I want to grow closer to my husband and keep growing our relationship and keep our communication going more and more.
These two links helped me out a lot!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad