Ok so I'm going to do a little segment called "drink to beauty." It's going to go over all the latest health & beauty "it" drinks that I love. There are a bunch out there but I will go over my tried & true favorites with you.
I'm also going to try and blog more...haha I know. I pretty much open every blog with that statement. But, I'm going to start writing smaller blogs that focus on one item or subject. I'll try and do this about once a week and that will cut down on as much writing & research for me & less reading for you! I tend to really drag out a blog and write about millions of subjects because I just love health & beauty & I digress. So, I'm sticking to one subject a blog now! Unless!! Yes, unless I just need to decompress about life and then you can either just skip over or buckle up & hang on for the ride!
I'm also going to update you on some of the things I'm loving and thankful for at the moment before I dive into the subject at hand-
Today's loves are:
My view & this weather on my walk/run today

I'm thankful I'm able to run. I'm thankful for this amazing weather. I'm thankful I can get out and do this sort of thing in my neighborhood. getting out and being in nature is amazing and it changes my entire day & attitude.
Taylor swift's "wildest dream"

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm not ashamed! This sucker has been on repeat!! I actually only bought her whole cd because of Ryan Adams covering 1989. But I'm glad I bought it. This song, you guys. Oh man. This girl gets it! It took me back to a young age where i was realizing there are certain people (boys) in your life that you know you won't be with forever but you're just too far gone & you just hope that they'll remember you in the best light & have the best memories of you. Taylor, you're freakin awesome! She even got to 30 year old me and it takes me back. Literally to that same feeling of being 16 and just facing the facts of knowing you won't be together forever but you also can't let go, but also don't want them to ever forget you. Damn it Taylor! Thankful for memories. Thankful for growth. Thankful for learning lessons & thankful for things going wrong then, to have so many things go so right, now.
Also thankful for, keeping to the Taylor trend, Ryan Adams remaking 1989

I love it guys! Totally different sound and it's awesome! Get both!! I love Ryan Adams and he really can do no wrong. 1989 is great no matter if it's Taylor or Ryan singing it and it's pretty cool to hear their different takes of each song.
I'm also thankful for this adorable little mug I got at target!

Do I need another coffee mug? Heck no! But how can I pass up this!!?!? It's adorable!! Add it to my collection! Thankful for a beautiful summer. Thankful for the promise of fall! It's going to be a beautiful one this year! I can just feel it!
Ok! Now to the subject at hand. Drinking your way to feeling good & looking good! The first drink I will focus on is coconut water. Coconut water comes from young, green coconuts. In Sanskrit coconut is called "Kalpa vriksha" which means "tree which gives all that is necessary for living." I mean do I even need to give you more reasons to believe coconut water is good for you? If you need more convincing, read on & here you go!
Coconut water is my Everest. I hate coconut water!! But I also really want to love coconut water. I appreciate it and i am completely impressed by the benefits. But i just can't drink it. I have found a new version that I can handle though. It's VitaCoco coconut water with lemonade.

Yes, it has added juice to it. No, i do not care right now. I'm trying to transition here from a great hatred of the taste to a mild tolerance of the stuff so I can drink it daily. So I'll get to the pure coconut water eventually. I just can't do it right now, and a juice mix will have to do while I adjust!
Here's the breakdown about coconut water-
Super hydrating!-of course we all know hydration=beautiful skin. So this little drink here will get you there! I truly believe coconut water is a huge key to looking & feeling beautiful. Of course it's important to drink good ole regular water too. but coconut water obviously comes from coconuts and A huge portion of hydrating our skin has to come from the water of fruits and veggies. And this little drink here will do it for you!
Great substitute for sugary drinks because coconut water is a low calorie drink. It also helps you reach your weight loss goals because it is so detoxifying. Since it does remove toxins from the body not only does it help with weight, it also helps give your skin this beautiful glow because the toxins have left the building! Know what else it gets rid of? Cellulite. Yep. Enough said, give me a glass of this stuff!
Coconut water also has tons of vitamins & minerals ideal for human health-
Potassium-(1 serving=13% daily value)vital for brain & nervous system function. Reduces stress, fatigue, and helps maintain muscle relaxation
Magnesium-(1 serving=14% daily value)very important component of our diet. Low magnesium levels can lead to low energy, or serious health issues like asthma, diabetes, osteoporosis & only 32% of people consume enough magnesium daily.
Copper-(1serving=11% daily value)essential mineral for health that helps with organs & your metabolism.
Antioxidants-help prevent damage to our bodies caused by free radicals.
Cytokinins-science has found that cytokinins slow down development of cancerous calls & also slows down the aging process.
Good facts huh? Another great thing about coconut water is the electrolyte factor. Coconut water has been used in IV's for emergencies due to the high amount of electrolytes & coconut water is sterile because it's directly from inside the coconut itself. So basically, Coconut water lowers blood pressure, helps with weight loss, boosts energy, lowers cholesterol, reduces cellulite, and relaxes muscle tension. Do we need any more convincing on this stuff? I don't think so! Now to just transition to 100% pure, plain coconut water. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.
If you're ready to take the plunge, I've read numerous articles that say is the absolute best to try-

Right now, I'm really digging the VitaCoco lemonade one. I love lemonade and the flavor is great! It has enough lemonade flavor to keep me happy but it still has a nice hint of coconut water taste so I think it will help me transition into plain coconut water.
I actually add plain coconut water to anything I can right now. I currently add it to smoothies, juices, and this little almond milk/matcha blend (I'll write about this drink in this little segment soon!) and it's great to add into whatever you think you can add it to! The more coconut water the better, in my opinion! Woo hoo! Now to get addicted to this amazing nectar from the gods.
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