Hi all! I hope your 2017 is going well so far! I love this time because everyone (ok, not everyone-but most everyone) is excited & hopeful. We are recharged because it's a fresh start and I just really love this time. I think that you can have a fresh start whenever you feel like it, but still, it's that feeling of turning a new page and a new year that's so exciting! I have a lot of hopes & dreams & goals for 2017. I learned a lot in 2016 and I was ready to ring in a new year. Once 2017 arrived I was ready to take action and not mess around! So, one of the first things I did was make a vision board. I looked up some fun articles about vision boards and I took notes and everything! (I told y'all I wasn't messing around this year!) I went out and got some poster board, glue sticks, and double checked to make sure I had a good pair of scissors. I asked Corey if he wanted to join in on the arts & crafts class and he agreed! I seriously was thinking he would pass on this! But I'm so glad he joined in! It was honestly so much fun & actually really inspiring! It was fun to see what caught my eye and sparked my interest, what excited me and got my creativity moving. Some things surprised me actually. What's neat about it is, you cut out what calls to you. So there were some things I was surprised weren't on there when I was done & some things were very interesting to see were such a big part of my vision board. It was so much fun to cut & create & lay out your visions and it was also really fun to discuss our dreams, goals, and visions with each other when we were done. After reading so many articles on how to reach your goals, or have a successful dream or business, or how to kick off a new year right, or get inspired, or find your specific dreams & goals-they all mentioned vision boards. So I just had to do it!! Here are the tips I picked up to create a kick ass vision board!
-Think of the vision board more as a manifestation collage. You don't want to have an idea of exactly what you want to put on the board. Don't let your head get too into it. Just go for what attracts you & draws you in. So my suggestion is this-
*keep a clear mind, maybe meditate and do yoga beforehand. I did, and it put me in the best mindset to create!
*remember-your board will remind you of your truth, what you really want in life & what's
possible. So don't get in your head too much, just go with what you're attracted to & what brings you joy. I love lots of things & there were lots of things I looked at thinking that's what I "needed" to put on my board, but I simply asked myself, am I going to want to remember this forever? Does this bring me joy? And that's where I decided if it stays or goes!
*Visualize your goals-when you visualize your goals before hand, it will help you really know what to put on your board or what direction you should go. This way your board will tell you that in order to attract what you truly want, you must see it, feel it, and embody it-these are a must if you really want a good vision board and it's a must when really trying to find out what you truly want.
*Set the tone-like I said, I did yoga & meditation before. But I also lit some sage, a candle and played music we loved. Do whatever you need to clear your mind and help you clarify what you really want. This board is about what's important to you. So it's good to have no distractions so it's easy to identify what is really important to you.
*Have lots of magazines-luckily I keep lots & lots of magazines. If I look through them or not, I keep them around and refer to them quite often. So these magazines were so handy! All the magazines were related to what I love and what inspires me, so this was very helpful!
*Once you have your magazines- look, listen & scan them. See what catches your attention. Cut out words, colors, pictures, whatever inspires you, whatever draws your attention, whatever brings you joy.
*Don't over think it-don't think too much about it, either you need it or not. My sign was, if I contemplated it too much, I decided it was a no. So, spend time on your intention & go with the flow!
*Hang your board where you will see it every single day! This is something you need to see daily. This is your clear reminder of your true you & your dreams, goals, and intentions. This will set your mind right daily & inspire you. It's also great to look at when you're feeling defeated or lost, which happens from time to time. One of my main reasons for doing this board was to inspire me of course, but I really wanted to lay out my true self & my passions, dreams, and goals all on one big board. I wanted to do this because sometimes doing what I do gets tough. I love
what I do, but it's a tough road from time to time. Sometimes it's easy to ask why? Or it's easy to just say "forget it" and find a job doing something that's not your true passion. So for me, this board will inspire me, but it will also remind me of my love & passions & be that little reminder to stick it out, hang in there! You're doing what you love! So make sure to put your board where it will make the most impact on you.
*See it, feel it, be it-now that it's done, refer to it often. Meditate about it, meditate about these images becoming real, it will get you excited. And more excitement=the more you'll want it, which means the more motivated you'll be to achieve it! That positive & motivated mindset will attract it to your life!
Another thing when doing your board- map out your pieces. I had different sections on my board for different areas in my life. I just sectioned off & started glueing! Corey of course, mapped it out, did mock layouts and really worked it out before glueing. I did not do that so much, lol. But it's totally whatever works for you! You can leave space or not on your board. It's totally up to you! It's your board, do what makes you happy! Good luck & happy Board making!!!