Hi guys! I have been wanting to blog about this subject for a while, but I haven't wanted to step on people's toes or create a stir. But, my passion for all-natural, non-toxic, living is too much for me to not say something. This subject keeps popping up in my life and I keep trying to brush it under the rug, but I just can't anymore. There is false information that you're not aware of and you're being "trained" and "educated" by people who may, or may not, be licensed professionals (or really know what the hell they're talking about).
I finally decided to speak my peace when I was doing a makeup application on someone and she was asking me about aesthetics and makeup and my career, how long I've been doing it, etc. When I had mentioned that I had been in the aesthetics field for about 10 years now, she mentioned me to that she had just recently gotten into the same field. I thought, "oh yay! another aesthetician to talk business with and share similar interests." So of course I asked how long she's been an aestetician and she said she wasn't in fact an aesthetician but she sold a certain skincare line. Look, I'm all for people becoming entrepreneurs and empowering people to take control of your life and follow your passion, but you are not a licensed aesthetician because you sell skincare. I don't care if you've been trained in person, or online, if you bought a kit and you read the pamphlet, you are not a licensed professional in aesthetics. I know this sounds harsh, but it's the truth and it's a lot of work to become an aesthetician so let's not cheapen it. Also, there is so much more that we study that you aren't aware of, so if cosmetics and skincare is something you love, great! But, an online tutorial does not make you a licensed aesthetician.
So, with that being said, please follow up and make sure you know the educational background with anyone that you reach out to about your skin, your skincare, your skin issues, etc. Not only do you need to make sure you are trusting licensed professionals with your skin but also, you need to find the right person on your wave length. There are tons of women who ask my opinion about brands that I don't use, but I know ingredients, studied ingredients and what they do with your body and your skin, and I have been educated on so many different brands while working as an aesthetician, I am very familiar with what ingredients and products do what, without me even using them on a daily basis. I'm not trying to brag, I'm just stating this is what I've been taught, this is what I'm good at, and this is what I love so I continue to study up on the latest ingredients and products. With that, you do want to find someone on your wave length (sorry, went off on a tangent there) so-if you're looking for super active, chemically created ingredients, you can most definitely ask me, and I can suggest, but if you know me at all, I don't use these, so I'll suggest and pick the best I can for you, but personally, you know I'm going to push towards more natural, non-toxic ingredients. It's all about finding your match and the person you trust, and who gets you.
So, with that-I will never sell products or write about products I do not believe in. I am approached almost daily about selling skincare. I have told them politely "no" and then of course I have to come back with a reasoning why. Here's my why-they're not natural, and they're not good for you. Plain and simple. I'm going to write a longer, more detailed version below of why, but plainly-I do not agree with most of the ingredients in these skincare brands and makeup brands being sold (multi-level marketing). Yes, they work, yes, it stays on all day, yes, there are great before and afters, but no-I would never put that on my face, or the faces of anyone I love. I have had many customers and friends ask my opinion, and I've even told the people that have approached me to sell the products, and they all want to know what I think about the lines/brands and I tell the honest truth. I'm nice, but I'm honest with why I won't sell or suggest the brands.
One of the last times I told someone I would not sell their brand, of course I had to explain why I wouldn't so of course I just said, I do not want to use products that are chemically created, I only like to use non-toxic products, you know the story. So, I gave my explanation I was countered with a very condescending response. Basically telling me that "natural" is just a marketing ploy and ingredients "most likely" won't absorb into the skin, and these ingredients that are being linked to cancer "could be linked" but, "most likely" aren't. Look, that's not good enough. And trust me, in school and in my professional career, we ask our clients to fill out medical forms for contraindications, illnesses, allergies, etc. Plus, if you're pregnant you can't use a ton of ingredients, and to me-if you can't use it while you're pregnant, why the hell would you want to use it every day?? I just couldn't handle the way the response was written. It was literally giving these crazy descriptions about how they "might not be linked to cancer" they "most likely won't absorb into the blood stream" and also started spatting off about ingredients and how the most potent are the first listed...umm yeah, we do know that. Then it turned into a bunch of just big words and descriptions to truly throw you off course and think, "wow! there's a lot of words on this paper, they must know what they're doing." It truly went totally off course I think to throw you off the crappy, toxic ingredients that they actually use in their products. Because the truth is this-most of these brands boomed before people started getting smart about their ingredients and their health. These brands can't go back on their entire line and say, "yeah, we put toxic chemicals in our products." So, they just came up with a bunch of condescending comments to throw you off course.
Ok, so I'm not going to call out any brands-I just want you to be aware of these ingredients and what they can do. I know they're your friends, I know you want to support them, but these people selling also need to know what they're putting out there. It sucks to find out that a brand you work for puts toxic junk in their products, but these products are spreading like wildfire and people really need to know what's in them. So-top ingredient scaries!
Parabens-yes, this has been a buzz word for many years. But here's the deal, parabens are basically a preservative in a ton of skincare. But, there have also been parabens found in cancerous tumors. That is why you are seeing so much paraben-free marketing around. It's a big deal you guys. This ingredient is an absolute no-no. I won't get into detail about this ingredient because we've heard about it a ton, but just stay away from them. I know there isn't "scientific 100% proof that they do cause cancer, but it's enough info for me to stay away. So if you see any ingredient with paraben at the end of the word, stay away! There are a few-propylparaben, methylparaben, etc.
Phthalates-these are tricky little shits because our FDA and cosmetics industry is so messed up, you can change the name of phthalates to throw us off course. So basically stay away from anything that says "fragrance" in the ingredient list, because that's most likely a phthalate. The CDC actually did a study and found that a trace of this toxic ingredient was found in every single person they studied...yikes. Phthalates, are used in plastics and in tons of cosmetics (like I said, stay away from anything listed "fragrance" on your ingredient list) this ingredient has been found to be a hormone disruptor which leads to infertility, reproductive defects, insulin resistance, and developmental issues in children.
Benzoyl Peroxide-this is a huge ingredient in blemish products. But for one-notice that when you use it you bleach your towels, some people's hair gets lighter---ummm yikes you guys. You're putting this on your face!!!!! It is essentially bleaching your towels and hair and YOU'RE PUTTING IT ON YOUR FACE. Step away from the benzoyl peroxide. This has also been linked to tumor growth. Tumor growth-no. Absolutely not. Do not use.
Hydroquinone-speaking of bleach- Hydroqunione is bleach! You know what else? It is banned in Europe. You guys, it's BANNED. And here we are just throwing it all over our faces!! Hydroqunione permanently alters your pigment, meaning it will lighten dark spots, age spots, scarring, etc. While permanently altering your pigment (yikes!) it also weakens collagen and elastin. So, now you don't have dark spots....buuuut you have saggy skin-no thanks. Not only does it permanently alter our skin and damage collagen, elastin, and bleaches our skin, and goes into our blood stream, and you can't use it while nursing or pregnant, and banned in other counties, it's under suspicion of being a carcinogen...ummm you think??
Petroleum-this ingredient is in TONS of cosmetics and guess what else it's in? Motor oil! Yay! Let's just slather this all over our skin! Another tricky ingredient that has different names-look out for-
Petrolatum, xylene, toluene, mineral oil, liquid paraffin. If you needed any other reason to not use it from the fact that it's made with same ingredients as motor oil, here's a big one-petroleum contains 1, 4-dioxane which is a probable carcinogen according to the World Health Organization and the EPA.
Methylisothiazolinone-first of all, if you can't pronounce it don't use it. This ingredient, called MIT for short, has been studied and shown that this ingredient is has neurotoxic properties in it. Studies have shown that even using a product for 10 minutes that contains MIT caused damage to your brain cells. Other links-seizures and visual abnormalities. This is in lots of cosmetics, even baby shampoo.
Synonym(s): 2-METHYL- 3 (2H) -ISOTHIAZOLONE;
Oxybenzone-this is in tons of sunscreens. Yes, it's all about sun protection, but unfortunately some SPF's are crap so don't use this ingredient or Avobenzone either! So, oxybenzone has been linked to allergies, hormone disruptors, and low birth rates in baby girls. The CDC found that oxybenzone was in 97% of American's urine. What the heck you guys? Just stay away from this and Avobenzone which has had a name change numerous times. It has also been linked to cancer.
What I use for SPF-zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide
Artificial Dyes and Colors-if it has a Yellow, a Red, basically anything in the Roy G. Biv (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, red for any of y'all that didn't take art class) category it's not being purchased by me. There is absolutely no reason a skincare product needs to have colors in it. Synthetic colors are usually made from coal tar. Let's put that on our lips and face! Obviously these have been linked as a carcinogenic, obviously they can cause sensitivities, and shocker here-your body is left with heavy metal deposits. So, stay away from the obvious Red # whatever, and the Yellows, and all basic colors should not be listed in your ingredients. Also, stay away from anything starting with FD&C or D&C.
Disodium EDTA-here's the deal, I know people love the EWG website but I have a few hesitations. There are NUMEROUS ingredients I have studied that have hard evidence that they are toxic and not good for you, and I'll hop on the EWG website and it gives it a rating of a 1. Something just doesn't seem right. Just like phthalates and benzoyl peroxide that I wrote about earlier-EWG gives them a score of 3-4...umm no. You're saying a bleaching agent linked to tumors and "fragrance" of all types that cause hormonal disruptors is a 3? The EWG is being too conservative, and I'm sorry-I'm going to be real particular when it comes to me, my body, what I put on it, and what's absorbing into my bloodstream. You know what else doesn't seem right with the EWG-this ingredient right here. Tell me gals, this ingredient disodium EDTA has this many synonyms-
To me, I just don't want to use something that chemically altered. I can't pronounce it-definitely off the list. It has multiple names-sketchy. There are some really scary, toxic ingredients out there and all cosmetic companies do is change the name!! It's so scary you guys, you just need to be careful. For me, this ingredients binds metals in tap water, helps foam for cleansers, but I just can't get past all the synonyms for it and tests have shown large amounts of disodium EDTA can cause mutagenic and toxic activity. Yes, this is more than a normal dosage, and topically, but to me-I just say no to EDTA and the other 50 names it has.
PEG-also known as Polyethelyne glycol, it's a group of ethylyne glycol polymers. These help moisturize, they are used as a preservative, and they also help the absorption of other ingredients-toxic or not, so think about the other ingredients involved in that product as well when using products with PEG's in them. And let me say, if it has PEG in it, it probably has all other crap in it as well, so I don't want any help with the other toxins absorbing into my skin. All-in-all, this ingredient has been linked with toxicity of the body, harm to the nervous system, and has shown links to tumors, so just say no!
Dimethicone-this is a synthetic oil, and it's usually in hair and skin products. Any product that claims it feels silky, and creates a really nice hydrating barrier on the skin probably has this, and you do not want it! First of all, it's occlusive so it's just going to feel super rich & heavy but it's not going to even absorb into the moisture barrier (don't even get me started on that subject!) Back on point, it also doesn't let your skin breathe at all. It won't let your skin naturally detox, so no sweating which could lead to some serious health issues! It basically gets in the way of your skin functioning like normal, which is just scary. On top of that issue, it's also known to be a hormonal disruptor. This why so many people have reproductive issues!! Let's just throw in a link to tumor growth as well shall we? Just stay away from anything with a "cone" at the end. It shows there's some form of silicone in it and for 1, it'll break you out, and for 2-you get all these great side effects with it! So just stay away.
Ok, I'm trying to stop but I definitely wanted to get some top ingredients on this blog but I also wanted to go through the ingredients of these products that get pushed down our throats by our friends and family (sorry!!) I hate to rain on your entrepreneur parade, I want you to feel empowered and I want you to succeed, but I cannot let these brands keep spreading like wildfire when there is so much junk in them that will harm you. I literally have not even scratched the surface of sketchy ingredients in these skincare brands we are pitched all the time. I would be writing all day, and you would be reading a seriously long blog (yes, even longer than this one)
So, with all that being said-I don't expect you to be on your phone researching ingredients and products constantly (that's what I'm here for!) but, I want you to be aware. Use "Think Dirty" app, it's awesome! You just scan products and you're good to go, but sometimes the products aren't on there. The EWG is another resource, but after reading this blog I'm sure you can gather my feelings on that website (I don't trust it)
My point is not to bad-mouth brands, it's not to ruin someone's dreams of becoming an independent, successful, business woman. But, I want you to know what you're using, what you're suggesting other people to use, and it's not good!!! The FDA and huge cosmetic corporations don't give a damn about us, so they will spoon-feed you this crap that goes around the issue. And the issue is you're putting toxic junk that will cause health issues, tumors, or basically poison us and all they want is to "empower" you and make you feel like you're taking control of your life and you're really making a difference in people's lives because their skin is improving. But for what cost? It's not safe, it's not natural, it's not good for you, hell, it's not even good for these poor rats that have been tested on for the cause of toxicity.
I want you to feel empowered and I want you to feel good about yourself and take control of your life and share your passion. But I also want you to know what these big businesses aren't telling you, and that is that these products are full of toxins and junk that they do not have to use. There are natural versions of anti-aging products, skincare, hair care, baby products. You do not have to harm yourself to make you feel good about your appearance. Yes, it stinks if you've put time, money and your passion into a brand and you realize it's full of harmful crap, but come back from it and spread the word about what we are doing to our bodies!
If you ever need help finding natural beauty products, that are safe, that work, please let me know and I will be glad to help!! This is my job, it's my passion and I will not let these shitty big, rich, cosmetics industries slowly give all of us cancer and reproductive issues. Spread the word gals, get empowered gaining knowledge and spreading what you know about these sketchball cosmetics ingredients and companies!
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Hi guys! I wanted to write a blog post on one of my favorite foods that offers a ton of benefits! Not only does it jazz up any Buddha bowl, salad, or entree, but the health benefits are huge! I have really grown to love fermented foods. If you follow my instagram at all (naturallytruebeauty btw!) then you know my love for kombucha. But now I've also grown to love kimchi, kraut, kefir, any type of fermented food!
What is fermented food? Basically the food (usually carrots, cabbage, sauerkraut) goes through a process called lactofermentation. This means that the natural bacteria feed on the sugar and starch which creates lactic acid. This process creates beneficial enzymes, b-vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and tons of probiotics.
What are the benefits? Basically eating fermented foods have been shown to preserve nutrients that we consume and also break down the food to make it easier to digest. So-totally helps with digestion! Which in turn will help numerous health concerns, issues, and will make your life easier! So many issues stem from the gut so adding fermented foods into your diet will help with so many aspects of your life & health. You're giving your body a HUGE dose of probiotics so digestion will go easy breezy, and it'll give your body more time to produce collagen, elastin, and increase cell regeneration which means-beautiful skin! If we can give our digestive system a little break from constantly breaking down and digesting our food (which I hear takes up 80% of its energy all day!!) our organs can focus on producing other things that will help hair growth, cell regeneration, and other steps to give us our natural beauty! Other great benefits are-obviously improved digestion, bowel health, decrease disease & boost immunity! There are so many auto-immune issues that stem from an unhealthy gut and taking any form of fermented foods can really improve these issues!
Eating fermented foods or drinking kombucha or kefir will give your body beneficial bacteria to your digestive system and it will in turn, help balance the bacteria in your gut. I would definitely suggest amping up a healthy lifestyle once you add fermented foods into your diet because while you increase your digestive health, fermented foods will also help your body absorb more nutrients from your food! So, it's just the perfect time to increase veggies & healthy foods into your lifestyle.
There are so many benefits & I have really loved adding in kimchi & kraut into my foods but I haven't been steady with it until I started watching one of my favorite health bloggers on her insta-story. She was mentioning gluten intolerance, which so many of us have. And she had mentioned keratosis pilaris-which I have had for as long as I can remember! I HATED my arms for years because it was so bad! I used to tan (gasp! I know, I know) in high school just to hide those red bumps. I just hated them! When I was in aesthetic school we would put all sorts of crazy acids on my arms to try and help with it & nothing worked. It wasn't until I got older that I realized when I eliminated gluten in my diet, the keratosis pilaris (KP for short) went away! It was a huge discovery & I was thrilled to see some change! So, just out of health I cut out more gluten. I still would eat it from time to time and my KP would show back up. I've just kinda been back and forth, but when I watched this insta-story from whatcaitate ( I love her!!) she was mentioning gut health & the connection with gut health & auto-immune issues. She was mentioning KP and how obviously that shows you do react to gluten, so much so that your body starts showing the inflammation. If your body is that sensitive to gluten that you get KP, then this could show you your gut could be out of whack. Not acknowledging this could lead to auto-immune diseases like leaky gut, which I do not want!! So, I really started taking this gluten thing seriously. Instead of eating it from time-to-time I decided this needs to really be reigned in!! Also, while really being particular about watching the gluten intake, I also decided what other steps do I need to do to keep my gut healthy! That's where I saw so many suggestions about adding in fermented foods. I have drank kombucha for years so that's a start! But now I am making a point to consume fermented foods 3 times daily! I just take a spoonful and add it to every meal! I also heard that a heaping spoonful of fermented foods has just as many probiotics as a taking a probiotic supplement! Simple!
I have some homemade kombucha fermenting as we speak (or as a type, lol, corny I know) in my cabinet in the kitchen. I also made a point to stop at a local farmer who has numerous pick-up locations around Nashville & surrounding towns called "The Fermented Farmer." He sells so many types of ferments! He ferments hummus, salsa, guacamole, he also makes kefir, kombucha & fermented granola! That is just scratching the surface! Check out his website (www.fermentedfarmer.com) this is such an easy way to incorporate fermented foods into your lifestyle. They are delicious and when you study the health benefits, it's a no-brainer! Check out his website and add some of this delicious, healthy goodness into your daily routine!!
Health & happiness!
What is fermented food? Basically the food (usually carrots, cabbage, sauerkraut) goes through a process called lactofermentation. This means that the natural bacteria feed on the sugar and starch which creates lactic acid. This process creates beneficial enzymes, b-vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and tons of probiotics.
What are the benefits? Basically eating fermented foods have been shown to preserve nutrients that we consume and also break down the food to make it easier to digest. So-totally helps with digestion! Which in turn will help numerous health concerns, issues, and will make your life easier! So many issues stem from the gut so adding fermented foods into your diet will help with so many aspects of your life & health. You're giving your body a HUGE dose of probiotics so digestion will go easy breezy, and it'll give your body more time to produce collagen, elastin, and increase cell regeneration which means-beautiful skin! If we can give our digestive system a little break from constantly breaking down and digesting our food (which I hear takes up 80% of its energy all day!!) our organs can focus on producing other things that will help hair growth, cell regeneration, and other steps to give us our natural beauty! Other great benefits are-obviously improved digestion, bowel health, decrease disease & boost immunity! There are so many auto-immune issues that stem from an unhealthy gut and taking any form of fermented foods can really improve these issues!
Eating fermented foods or drinking kombucha or kefir will give your body beneficial bacteria to your digestive system and it will in turn, help balance the bacteria in your gut. I would definitely suggest amping up a healthy lifestyle once you add fermented foods into your diet because while you increase your digestive health, fermented foods will also help your body absorb more nutrients from your food! So, it's just the perfect time to increase veggies & healthy foods into your lifestyle.
There are so many benefits & I have really loved adding in kimchi & kraut into my foods but I haven't been steady with it until I started watching one of my favorite health bloggers on her insta-story. She was mentioning gluten intolerance, which so many of us have. And she had mentioned keratosis pilaris-which I have had for as long as I can remember! I HATED my arms for years because it was so bad! I used to tan (gasp! I know, I know) in high school just to hide those red bumps. I just hated them! When I was in aesthetic school we would put all sorts of crazy acids on my arms to try and help with it & nothing worked. It wasn't until I got older that I realized when I eliminated gluten in my diet, the keratosis pilaris (KP for short) went away! It was a huge discovery & I was thrilled to see some change! So, just out of health I cut out more gluten. I still would eat it from time to time and my KP would show back up. I've just kinda been back and forth, but when I watched this insta-story from whatcaitate ( I love her!!) she was mentioning gut health & the connection with gut health & auto-immune issues. She was mentioning KP and how obviously that shows you do react to gluten, so much so that your body starts showing the inflammation. If your body is that sensitive to gluten that you get KP, then this could show you your gut could be out of whack. Not acknowledging this could lead to auto-immune diseases like leaky gut, which I do not want!! So, I really started taking this gluten thing seriously. Instead of eating it from time-to-time I decided this needs to really be reigned in!! Also, while really being particular about watching the gluten intake, I also decided what other steps do I need to do to keep my gut healthy! That's where I saw so many suggestions about adding in fermented foods. I have drank kombucha for years so that's a start! But now I am making a point to consume fermented foods 3 times daily! I just take a spoonful and add it to every meal! I also heard that a heaping spoonful of fermented foods has just as many probiotics as a taking a probiotic supplement! Simple!
I have some homemade kombucha fermenting as we speak (or as a type, lol, corny I know) in my cabinet in the kitchen. I also made a point to stop at a local farmer who has numerous pick-up locations around Nashville & surrounding towns called "The Fermented Farmer." He sells so many types of ferments! He ferments hummus, salsa, guacamole, he also makes kefir, kombucha & fermented granola! That is just scratching the surface! Check out his website (www.fermentedfarmer.com) this is such an easy way to incorporate fermented foods into your lifestyle. They are delicious and when you study the health benefits, it's a no-brainer! Check out his website and add some of this delicious, healthy goodness into your daily routine!!
Health & happiness!
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