I love Jack LaLanne! I have his juicer, I love reading about his diet, his workouts and his attitude towards life. He has an amazing look on life and how to live a healthy life. I think if you want to have beautiful skin you have to take great care of yourself as well. What you put in is what you get out. I used to eat tons of fast food, a lot of processed foods and really eat late at night and not only is it really easy to gain weight but my skin was AWFUL! I slowly started working out and eating better little by little and I noticed huge improvements in my skin. I stopped eating fast food and started focusing on organic foods and step by step I moved into vegetarianism. Even when I started eating healthier I could really tell a difference in my skin. I wouldn't get breakouts but very, very rarely. Then, once I started doing a vegetarian diet my skin look amazing plus I felt amazing!!! I slowly moved into taking dairy out of my diet as well. I will still eat cheese on occasion or cook with very little if I need to (it's just something I love and really can't avoid so I eat it!) and I still love ranch dressing! Those are the two dairy items that I just can't live without! I still do eat fish but I think fish and those amazing oils are so good for you and your skin that fish definitely needs to be apart of my diet! Not only do I eat fish but I also take a swig of this every day:
This is Carlson's Cod Liver Oil. I know it sounds really gross but it's good for you and if you really want to take care of yourself you gotta just do it! It is lemon flavored so that helps and truthfully you just take a tiny swig and then chase it down with orange juice in the a.m. and you'll be set! This oil really helps me skin glow and it's really good for you! I also do take fish oil, flax oil, phyto hair vitamins (I'll write about those another day!!), glucosamine, a women's daily vitamin, biotin, b-complex and a greens supplement. I take them throughout the day because you really have to watch out with which ones you can take together and what not so I split them up and really take a few throughout the day. But-I do have to eat something when I take them because they make me nauseous! I'm pretty sure I take more but I can't remember what they are...I'll write about that some time too because I really research what I need to take and what's necessary and what is not. So-you don't have to take all those but like I said earlier-what you put in your body shows on the outside. If you want pretty skin you have to take care of yourself! I do Jack Lalannes facial workouts too. I don't do everything he does and I DEFINITELY do them in the privacy of my own home!!! But it makes sense, you gotta keep those muscles moving!!
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