Sunday, March 31, 2013

Lipstick for All!

Well it's that time of the week again. Where my husband watches a stressful show that I can't handle giving all my attention to, so I blog. Tonight's show is The Walking Dead...yeesh! So here I am half-watching and half-blogging (really). So sorry for the typos. One of my(many) New Year's resolutions was to blog more. It definitely has not worked out so well but I'm trying! Like I said before I'm going to try and write shorter blogs more often and combine fashion, health and beauty all together. So...I'm working on it. So keep checking back!

I wanted to do a quick blog on a lipstick I just found in my giant bag 'o lipsticks. I have a ton of lipsticks that I rarely use but I keep them for photo shoots, weddings, or if I'm feeling froggy and decide to dive into my bag of tricks and try out an old shade that I never use, so it kinda feels new in a way. Eh, it's the little things that excite you, ya know? So I did just that this week. I've been feeling a little down and decided it was time for a little change and excitement so I dug into my big bag of lipsticks and pulled one out that I obsessed over for a loooong time before I bought it. It's a beautiful nude/lilac/pink color. I loved it and would contemplate buying it over and over and never did. I finally got the darn thing and probably wore it 2 times and threw it in that bag where all my lipsticks go to die and a year later here I am bringing it back.

This is my bag of lipstick-it's ridiculous
I also found a fortune and a seashell...

I'm all about a good fortune so I'm going to keep it. The seashell and the fortune went right back into my lipstick bag...don't judge

Now I don't know what the safe time is to get rid of a lipstick but I don't care. I mean eye stuff yes, I rotate that regularly but lipsticks, I honestly don't use them enough to rotate. So I just do a regular clean out before every shoot and event and then this one just made the cut.

A peek inside my lipstick bag

I actually have more lipsticks that I have in each of my purses that are my every day colors. Yes, it's an addiction.

I grabbed this little beauty. I mean the packaging in adorable!!! Little jeweled top with a pink mirrored casing, is to die for! Threw it on and went to work. I'm telling you, it has been a hit ever since!! It truly is the most beautiful color and everyone can wear it. It has the perfect blend of nude, pink, purple (I know that sounds weird, but go with me it works!). This would look good on a fair skin tone to a beautiful, rich dark skin tone. It makes a statement without being too over the top and bold.

So-let's not talk about my appearance in these pictures. It's late, and my makeup has not been touched up since 9:00 this morning so don't focus on that. But-I wanted to show a picture of myself with this beautiful color on!

Here's a close up of the color.

Just pay attention to the lip color, not my crazy, cartoon eyes

Get online right now and go buy this lipstick!! It's on sale right now too. It's usually $20 it's on sale for $18. Get on right now and get it!! You will not regret it and I promise it's going to look good on you! You will get compliments immediately! This is a lipstick you can keep in your purse and throw it on no matter what you're wearing, you can throw it on and look so beautiful and put together.
Too Faced is a great line with tons of beautiful colors! Creamy lipsticks, beautiful soft eyeshadows, the palettes are awesome! Get online, check this brand out and get Centerfold! You will love it!
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Andy, you never said what the color is called. Too Faced is actually discontinuing those - they've repackaged and reformulated their lipsticks! :)
