Sunday, August 17, 2014

Been there, done that.

Hi everyone! So much has happened the week of my birthday. Another year older (yeesh!) but so excited to be here! I've come to learn that it's a privilege to become old. So I'm so thankful for another year on this beautiful earth. I have been doing a 30 day meditation challenge and I've made it a point to meditate every day even if it's just for 3-5 minutes. That little bit of silence and thought is golden.

With doing this challenge, I've learned that there are so many places and opportunities to meditate and now that I'm aware of meditating, I find little times throughout my day to do so. Usually during my free time of thoughts I run through prayers in my head of people, family & friends, situations or things I see throughout the day. I still find this important and still do it a lot. But now I've also made time to breathe and soak up silence and empty thoughts. I have a couple of these free apps from iTunes I use at night as well. Well, one app is to help me relax or sleep, one is just a guided meditation for a nice break in your day.

While driving this past week to Atlanta for work I also realized mediation can just be sitting in silence in your car looking at what Mother Nature has to offer. Because man, it's good. It's beautiful out there. Take a good look at it on your daily travels and enjoy it.

Another thing that happened this week (and last week) was my two oldest cousins started high school!!!!! Aghhhh!!!! They're supposed to stay tiny, little, cute girls forever!!!! So with that happening I thought I should write a little something us gals learn when we are older and wish we would have known and followed at that young age.

I've always wanted to write a blog of little tips and thoughts for them. But never had time to dedicate an entire blog to just that so I hope this blog is something they will turn to when it comes to beauty, fashion, life, love & happiness.

Here we go young girls of America. Good luck!

1-listen to your mom. If you don't have a mom, listen to some older female in your life. If you don't have that, please find someone to be there for you. If you can't find that, then I'll be there for you. It's so important to have someone in your life who has been there & done that. They will give you little words of wisdom. Trust me, we've been through it too. I know it may seem like you're the only one going through it, but you're not and we are here to help. And please, Listen to our help. We are looking out for you and we love you.

Everything my mom told me was right. I'm not even kidding. All those boys I shouldn't waste my time with, who to move on from, who to not bend over backwards for, how to handle friends, boys, school, life. She was right. Probably didn't listen to all her advice (sorry!!) but I wish I would have because she was seriously right every. single. time.

Also on that note, I would like to thank my mom for putting up with spoiled, prissy, teenage Andrea. I know I wasn't a horrible teen, but I wasn't too easy and probably almost broke you and dad. So, thank you. I love you two so much and I don't know how I won the parent jackpot.

2-be nice. Be nice to others and to yourself. This is so important to me. People will remember how you treated them for a long, long time. So, if you're around people that are mean, or treat others badly, please just be cordial with those people but separate yourself from others who bring people down. I would much rather be known as the nice person than be associated with the cool people. It will take you much further in life and make you a happier, prouder person in who you are. Stay neutral and be nice. That's seriously the best advice I can give. But also be nice to yourself. I wasn't that kind to myself. Never was happy with myself and I should have been. It caused more trouble than good.

With that being said though-don't take crap! If someone is taking advantage of you or treating you poorly just slip away. Don't invest too much time into them because they will suck the life out of you. But don't be mean. Just smile and say, "hi" when you see them and move on. You don't want to be taken advantage of but you also don't want to stoop down to their level. I'm still learning this about people. It's a life lesson that I will continually be reminding myself of. My rule (which I just started putting into play, should have done this years ago!!) is treat others the way they treat you. ONLY after you have been kind to them and given them a few good shots. After that, you can't keep living your life to please other people. Some people will never be happy so, if you keep trying and getting nothing in return, move on.

3-remember, friends are quality, not quantity. The few good, loyal friends I have to this day are mainly ones I had from high school. I still roll up upon some pretty awesome friends but there still few and far between and I would much rather have it that way. Stick with those friends and be loyal to them. That is all you'll need in life.

4-be honest. So much drama happens when you're not honest with someone. If you mess up, you mess up. Say it out front and move on. Trust me, I mess up all the time and I just say what I did wrong, apologize and work my hardest to not do it again. It's that simple y'all. People will appreciate the honesty & the effort and you just go from there.

5-don't do anything you don't feel like doing. If you don't want to go to a party, don't. If you don't want to do something where you feel like you are compromising yourself, don't do it. LISTEN TO YOUR GUT. This is something you're going to have to really listen to for the rest of your life. And I'm telling you, when you're gut is telling you something, you better listen.

6-don't do drugs. Just don't. I never did and I am so happy for that. I don't regret not doing drugs. I don't regret not drinking. I honestly don't know one friend who regrets not drinking or doing drugs. Trust me, I know you've heard it before. But seriously, just don't. I feel in control of myself and my life and my body because I've never had anything in control of me. And i like it that way. I'm proud of that. And trust me, I never missed out on anything because I decided not to do drugs or drink in high school. This will not make you popular or cool. Just be who you are.

7-be who you are! If you're not sure who you are (and honestly, we are always changing so be aware of that and go with the changes and flow of you and your life) then now is the time to figure it out! Hike, paint, draw, study up on things that get you excited! If you don't know what gets you excited, find out! The sooner you find what you love and what makes you happy and the sooner you can find that within yourself, you will live a very happy life. Once you find what makes you happy, don't apologize for it or change who you are for anyone! If people don't like you for it, then don't have those people around. You need people around you who will lift you up, not bring you down. Don't keep people that make you feel bad for being yourself around you.

8-be smart with boys. I know they're the center of your world right now but they don't need to be. There is so much more that you can enjoy in high school and yes, have a boyfriend, whatever. But don't let it consume you. Don't let it take over your personal time, time with your family or time with your friends. Any time I picked a boy over my family or friends I still regret to this day. These boys will come and go and keep a hold of your heart. You've only got one and don't just give it away that easy. Be who you are and if they don't like it or they want to change you-say bye bye!! If you feel in your gut that something's not right or you feel like you need to breakup or say no, DO IT!! Don't waste your time with anyone (boy or girl) that you don't feel ok with. It's not worth wasting your time. Our time on this earth is important and don't waste it on just anybody.

With that-don't just kiss every boy you see. Please. Don't let boys think that you and your kisses are that easily given away. You want to be respected and looked at like a lady who has it together and has a good idea of who she is and who she's going to give her time to. Seriously, I never wished I had kissed more boys. It's better than having lots of regrets on the ones you kissed. So just take it easy ok?

9-be thankful. Geez being a teenager I had stuff just handed to me. Life was pretty darn easy and I was not thankful at all. Just be aware of life and what's been given to you and be thankful for it. Write down all the things you have in your life. We have so much, we need to be aware of that. Be thankful for your teachers, your friends, your life, that rockin body that you have that you think is fat, all the things your parents give you, waking up every day. Just be aware and be thankful. LOVE YOURSELF! Accept your "flaws" and things you regret and situations that make you sad or upset and move on. Don't let these things mold you. Learn from them and become a better person! As Joe Dirt says, "Keep on keepin' on!"

10-take advantage of the opportunities that come your way. Pick the college you want to go to. You, not your friends or your boyfriend. You! If opportunities are thrown at you, take them! You're young! Now is the time! I had lots of opportunities thrown at me that I didn't take. I was lazy, I didn't want to leave someone, blah blah...still wish I would have taken them! So, basically just be you and be proud of that and don't let anyone take your shine!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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