Hi all! Here's a quick blog going over what's been happening in my life. I've been so bad keeping up with this (what's new right?). I have the hardest time keeping up with this thing. Plus, I've been going through so much. I've been traveling like crazy, mercury went into retrograde (...yeesh) that makes me question everything in life, I should never blog during that time it would be filled with me ranting about what should I do with my life, and I'm supposed to be a responsible adult & I just can't do it. I don't think that would be a big hit. Another reason for such a long pause is I'm really trying to perfect the subject of my blog. I want to be a serious blogger. I want to really pinpoint a subject and focus on it.
But I can't. I love too much not to share.
So here's the deal. I really want to write about beauty products but, one issue-I work for many different lines so I don't want to piss anyone off. Second-I don't have enough money to buy all this stuff!! I look at some bloggers and I'm like, "Holy crap! That person just spent $300 at Sephora!" Just no. I can't. I don't do that & I'm a makeup artist! I spend my money on food & clothes. So, I will review products, but it's going to take some time folks. Because if I'm trying it out for a blog, I'm using every last drop until I move on to the next item. So hold tight people. There will be beauty reviews, tips & pointers. But it's going to take some time for me to get through certain items.
Another issue-I am not made of money folks. I know. Sad story. With that being said, I have started to research how to better my blog, sharpen my skills. And yes, some of these skills cost nothing. But-some do. And once again, I spend my money on food & clothing. I just can't throw some cash at a fancy website or blog page. I won't have the fancy photo shoots and my pictures won't look fantastic on a regular basis. I do have a couple things up my sleeve though. So better quality pictures will be here, but not all the time so don't get used to it alright? Selfie sticks and blogspot are here to stay, sorry guys.
Sorry, but it's true! I can't afford a photographer all the time so I'll do the best that I can. What I can offer is this-honesty. I've been boggling my mind on what subject to focus on. Do I focus on fitness? Health? Beauty? Food? Inspirational follow your dreams posts? I don't know!
I did some research and started checking out many other blogs and I realized something. I feel more defeated and down after checking out a lot of blogs rather than feelings super pumped about eating clean, new beauty & fashion trends, or working out. I feel like these people are freakin awesome and perfect and I'll never get to that point. I beat myself up because I'm not investing all this money into new makeup and Skincare constantly to amp up my blog posts. I feel bad and discouraged when I want an outfit from someone and then read to see where it's from and it's $600! I realized this is magical and it's wonderful and there are so many people that will spend that money and get these things but I can't. So I've decided to basically write for myself. I'm not going to suggest things that I wouldn't buy myself, I'm not going to show clothing I can't afford, I'm not going to make it look like I spend hours at the gym or make green juices every day. I'm going to be me and hopefully build a group of strong badass women like me to follow this blog and feel good & empowered after reading.
Now I'm not saying that others bloggers make people feel bad. No. I am just saying I have yet to find a blogger that I fit with. I'm going to share life with you. Sharing the Struggles of doing what you love, but also the rewards. Trying affordable, natural products that I love. Sharing with you the inspirations that cross my path & the fears. Basically this is my online diary and I'm ready to inspire and share. And I hope you like it!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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